Cogeneration project no. 2 at ESV Wisłosan
On 19 December 2019, ESV Wisłosan signed an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for the co-financing of the project to modernise the combined heat and power installation.
Project description
PRIORITY: I Reduction of the emission intensity of the economy
ACTION: 1.6 Promoting the use of high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and power based on useful heat demand
SUBJECT MATTER: 1.6.1 Sources of high-efficiency cogeneration
Project title: Installation of high-efficiency cogeneration on the premises of ESV WISŁOSAN
Project objectives: Reduction of heat production in grate boilers fired by hard coal with admixture of wood waste and production of electricity by a high-efficiency engine-driven cogeneration unit powered by natural gas in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, including CO2.
Planned environmental effects:
-reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 4990.70 MgCO2/year
-reduction of primary energy consumption by 13,350.00Gj/year
Value of the project:
Eligible costs: PLN 3,500,000
Co-financing value: 1 697 176,25 zł

Smart City Siechnice
On 19.12.2018, ESV3 sp. z o.o. signed an agreement with the Ministry of Energy for funding of the project "Smart City Siechnice".
Description of the project
PRIORITY: I Reduction of the carbon intensity of the economy
ACTION: 1.4 Development and implementation of intelligent distribution systems operating at low and medium voltage levels
Sub-measure: 1.4.1 Support for the construction of pilot and demonstration smart electricity grids
Project title: Smart City Siechnice
Project objectives: The aim of the project is the pilot installation of devices and systems for the creation of a smart grid in the area of the city of Siechnice, where the distribution system operator is the company ESV3 sp. z o.o.
Planned effects:
Number of smart functionalities - 12
Reduction of network losses by 150 MWh per year
Reduction of CO2 emissions by 121 tons per year
Project value:
Eligible costs: PLN 3,170,000
Co-financing value: PLN 2 694 500

Cogeneration project at ESV Wisłosan
On 17 August 2017, ESV Wisłosan signed an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for the co-financing of a project to modernise a combined heat and power installation.
Description of the project
PRIORITY: I Reduction of the emission intensity of the economy
ACTION: 1.6 Promoting the use of high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and power based on useful heat demand
SUBJECT MATTER: 1.6.1 Sources of high-efficiency cogeneration
Project title: Installation of high-efficiency cogeneration on the premises of ESV WISŁOSAN in Nowa Dęba
Project objectives: Replacement of a steam cogeneration system fuelled by hard coal with admixture of wood waste by a high-efficiency engine cogeneration unit fuelled by natural gas in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, including CO2.
Planned effects:
-reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, by 6070 Mg/year
-contribution to the realisation of the objectives of the Low Emission Management Plan of the Nowa Dęba commune
Project value:
eligible costs: 2 250 000 PLN
co-financing value: 729 120 zł

Grants for working capital for ESV Wisłosan sp. z o.o.
ESV Wisłosan Sp. z o.o. realises the project subsidised by the European Union under the title: "Grants for working capital for ESV Wisłosan Sp. z o.o. "Dotacje na kapitał obrotowy dla ESV Wisłosan Sp. z o.o., w ramach działania 1.5 Dotacje na kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia 2014-2020, współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego."
Beneficiary: ESV WISŁOSAN SP z o.o.
The project concerns support for the entrepreneur in terms of ensuring financial liquidity and support for current activities in connection with financial difficulties which occurred to the entrepreneur as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The aim of the project is to maintain the entrepreneur in business for a period of 3 months.
The total cost of the Project amounts to PLN 81 703.20 and is 100% eligible by the Intermediate Body.